Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Biased Message Processing

Biased Message Processing - The latest media experiment.

TV programming is just a constant experiment on humans. Nothing on television is what it seems. I feel bad for the people who consume television and trust the people they spend their lives watching. It's such a cruel joke that plays upon people's emotions and ignorance.

I have a hunch that some smart, poltically atheist entertainers are pulling off a hoax upon the public. These people are too intelligent to play party politics, yet there they are acting out roles. These people: Keith Olberman, Steven Colbert, Glenn Beck. (but there are others.)
They used to teach us in media class: "Choose your side: Media-centric or Socio-Centric."

Keith Olbermann pretends to be ultra liberal, its a shtick. It's a gag. The joke is on both parties.

The joke is on the conservatives because they get so mad at Keith.
The joke is on the liberals for actually believing the guy is one of them.

Watch Keith's lip curl back as he tries so hard not to laugh when he goes on an unforgiving left wing tirade chastising someone. It takes everything he's got not to bust out laughing ... and its gonna happen one day. He's gonna just start cracking up as the show goes more and more off the deep end. It's a shtick. People forget this was the guy who invented colorful sports reporting with Dan Patrick on ESPN. (Which along with Chris Berman and Stuart Scott are some of my favorite memories of TV).

I don't need to explain Colbert's shtick, you all get it. (I hope). Although you don't. See, Colbert and Olbermann are both from the same team. They're both running experiments on you to study BIASED MESSAGE PROCESSING.

Liberals think Colbert is playing a giant gag on conservatives, which he is -- BUT HE IS ALSO playing a much LARGER gag on liberals. They think he's one of them. And he is not. He is neither. He is conducting experiments on your mind. See, the trick here is to infect a liberal's mind with conservative information - "THEY" know people are going to only selectively expose themselves to the point of view they want to hear. So conservatives are gonna watch FOX NEWS and liberals are gonna watch MSNBC or CNN (and comedy central). How can we get these people to hear the other side of the story? Through satire. Even if you laugh it off or think its a joke, the idea has now been planted in your mind.

It's like Larry Sinclair's story of smoking crack with Barack Obama and performing fellatio on him, even if you think the story is just a lie, the images are still in your mind. You can't erase memories.

Next time you see Olbermann and Colbert, watch them with the idea that its a complete gag on both parties.

The difference between Olbermann and Steven Colbert is that Colbert's show is on Comedy Central (presented as comedy) and Olbermann's is on MSNBC (presented as real commentary).

Now, let me beat up on the other side as well.

Glenn Beck is also playing the gag.

He introduces obscene things to conservative audiences.
(These are not exact quotes but I've heard him say some of these things of this nature to an audience like my parents.)

"A man exposed his penis to a 10 year old girl and asked her to play with it."
"A teacher put her mouth on a 10 year old boy's penis and told him she thinks it tastes good like the school lunchroom food."
"A study shows that school children in California would prefer to shove a dildo in their rearends than to learn about the message of the Founding Fathers."

Or he'll sneak in ideas that a conservative would never admit to:

"Today Hugo Chavez said that if George W Bush would spend more time fixing his nation's economy instead of snorting cocaine and drinking alcohol then maybe America would finally be a better country.."
"A study shows that children are masturbating to photographs of Dick Cheney because they think he is powerful for shooting someone and calling it a hunting accident."
"Angry protestors are saying that The Bush Administration was somehow involved in the 9-11 attacks and that flight 93 was actually shot down by the Air Force. Cmon people!"
"Angry protestors are saying that there was dynamite in the twin towers and that it was a controlled demolition .... where do people come up with this stuff."
"Liberals say that George W Bush is writing into laws things that give the executive power dictator like abilities ... get a life."
"Watchdog groups think that it is unconstitutiona?l for the government to wiretap your phonelines and invade your privacy and snoop into your lives.... gimme a break."

What you all need to know is NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS.

Everything on television is controlled. Everything. There are gatekeepers that control the information.

Learn about these terms and think of how this is used to shape every single thing you believe:

"Biased Message Processing"
"Status Conferral"
"Selective Exposure"
"Controlled dissidence"

Everything you believe has been engineered into your mind. Whether you're left or right, both sides have been engineered so they can control all of the thoughts. And if you're independent: What is is they say? "THEN YOU'RE NOTHING TO NOBODY."
They don't say you're a free mind.
They say
They want their brainwashed foot soldiers, if you're a thinking person with a critical eye who asks questions, we don't need you. We need citizens who are susceptible to propaganda. And they're working on techniques now on how to propagandize the freed minds by putting people out there like Jesse Ventura and Lou Dobbs who echo the conspiracy theory ideas. While I enjoy that these guys are there putting out some of my points of view, I don't fall for it. I know "THEY" want to control every single point of view.

.... of course .... if you're an American Idol watcher that you actually read this entire article.
But if you do watch that show - or any shows like it ..... that is a whole other set of manipulation - far beyond the scope of this blog.

But to be honest, I think "THE THEY" "THEY" "THEM" are freaking brilliant. I gotta hand it to them. The way they are able to absolutely have total ownership of everything everyone thinks. "We don't tell people what to think, we tell people what to think about." Its magnificent. How they're able to engineer reality with nothing holding them back. How they can take an ESPN colorful comedian anchorman and turn him into a serious liberal commentator news anchor and not have anyone question it. How people look at "Public Relations" with a positive attitude towards it. Barnays even said "propaganda had a bad connotation to it after the Germans, so I just renamed it to Public Relations." I call it "professional lying." It's necessary though. I think I'm only mad at it because I never had the balls to bring myself to do things of that nature. I'm too conditioned and obsessed with absolute truth.

It's amazing how conservatives allow Glenn Beck into their households because he says their point of view while all the while saying absolutely obscene things but blaming it on a liberal society. Its an absolute gag. I enjoy the points of view Beck discusses, but I know he's puttin us on.

I believe Rush Limbaugh and Barack Obama have an ongoing partnership to attack each other for publicity. I enjoy Rush, I enjoy Obama. Can I like both?

A technique used by politicians is to say something that is extremely inflammatory and untrue and then apologize for it.

Because they know the thought has now entered your mind.

They want to introduce information to both sides that is usually rejected.

They wanna push light on dark and dark on light. Good on evil and evil on good.

Its a great way to maintain balance i guess.
The scene in The Matrix when Agent Smith has Morpheous tied up and is looking out the window and says, "Have you ever looked at it Morpheous? Marveled at it? Billions of people going about their daily lives oblivious."

When you watch TV today, watch it with the idea that everything you see -- EVERYTHING - is there to fool you or to adjust your mind and thinking in a devious way that is unnatural to your beliefs, morals and values. That everything is the opposite. Everyone on all of these political shows are just actors pretending to have extreme points of view.

That its all one big gag.

It's terrible. Yet, it is necessary. Necessary for the economy. So yay! We all have jobs! But at what expense?

Friday, June 12, 2009

My Time Travel Adventure With Barack Obama

(the image is of Barack Obama with his feet on the Rutherford B Hayes desk - this picture haunts me - i saw this picture AFTER having the dream you are about to read.)

Last night I had an incredibly vivid and adventurous dream. This dream crossed over into the real world.​ (I went to bed earlier than I usually do so I had more time for more dreams).

The first one, had myself and President Barack Obama on a time travel mission.
We were sent back in time to the year 1876 to run Obama against Rutherford B Hayes in the presidential election of that year. He kept telling me I was part of his campaign staff that will make necessary adjustments to history. I kept looking around for a campaign staff and didn’t see anyone except me and Barack. I also kept noticing the setting we were in tremendously reminded me of my backyard in 1993. I kept explaining to Barack that I didn’t think we were in 1876 but in the year 1993….. in my backyard. Barack kept ducking behind Ruffley’s canoe and saying to me, “We are in the year 1876. I am here to run against Rutherford B Hayes to make necessary adjustments to history.

I went on to explain to him that I didn’t necessarily vote for him, but that I didn’t vote against him, I didn’t get to vote. I also told him I enjoyed a picture that a fan made during the campaign that exchanged his head with Marty McFly on the Back to the Future poster and it said “BARACK TO THE FUTURE” and how cool it was that here I was with Barack Obama traveling through time.

He gave me his big trademark smile and I felt like I had made friends with him and that he was kinda looking at me with that borderline “can you believe this is real” look in his eye implying, “I told you I would bring change….I’m the real Marty McFly, they scared of me cause I know how to travel through time ….and make necessary adjustments to history.”

I had asked him what if he beats Rutherford B Hayes, how will that affect all of history?

He said, “have you ever heard of Rutherford B Hayes?” I said I’ve heard of him. He said “what do you know about Rutherford B Hayes”. I said, “that he was a president, I think around the time of the civil war.”
He said, “that’s all you know about Rutherford B Hayes right?”
I said, “yeah.”
He said, “if that’s all you know about Rutherford B Hayes then what do you care how it will make necessary adjustments to history. It’s a big idea. I don’t know if you know what a big idea is there Jonathan. But it’s a big idea.” He paused …. He said, “What you might want to question is whether I’m from your time period or not… maybe I am Barack From The Future.” He smiled with his insane big smile and then inquisitively asked, “If you should discover that I’m not from your time, or from a parallel time, would you think of me differently, like in a negative way? Are time travelers offensive to you? Are you offended that we travel into other people’s time?”

I said, “you know, its funny you should ask because if I did find out you weren’t from my time it would alter my perspective of you, because …. And I never thought of this until you asked me, but all people of a period of time, we share our common timeline, we’re all from the same time, same planet.”

Barack: “So if I’m not from your time, you’d look at me differently, like I was different.”

Me: “I’m just exploring my feelings here, it’s a subconscious feeling but yeah I would feel like you’re different because you are from some mysterious time that I don’t know about, especially if it’s the future.”

Barack: “What if I spent a lot of time in your period of time, but was not initially from your time, but spent the majority of my experience of life in your time period? You know, like if I was born in a foreign country but spent the majority of my life in the United States?”

Me: “Having the ability to time travel puts you in like Superhuman category until others start doing it. The only time travelers I know of are John Titor, Al Bielek and people who have been part of time travel experiments. I might be concerned that you don’t have my period of time in your best interests, since you have access to all of time, of which we are now making … what have you been calling it? Necessary adjustments to history?”

Barack: “That’s a good point. And the difference is, I have the best interest of all of time, not just your time period. Sometimes necessary adjustments need to be made.”

Me: “I don’t mean to spoil the fun but I think we’re in my neighbor’s backyard in the year 1993 and not 1876.

Barack: “How do you know that if you don’t time travel?”

Me: “I don’t know, maybe because I don’t think this kind of grass existed back then and that’s my house, my house was built in 1976 not 1876 … in addition I never thought the past existed in full color, it should either be black and white or those watercolors the pictures are painted in …. but besides that, how are you going to run against Rutherford B Hayes? Nobody even knows you in this time period, and …. Dude …. Like I mean, I don’t think this way, and I know your mom was white and all that …. But I think these people are gonna probably think you should be a slave or something.”

Barack: “That’s where you come in. You gotta convince these people that I’m the right candidate for the presidency.”

Me: “Ok, Barack, I don’t even know the politics of this time, I have no frame of reference of the issues of their time and-“

Barack: “Stop. Whether I win or lose is inconsequential​.​ I am here to run against Rutherford B Hayes. I didn’t say anything about any outcome or if we’ll even still be here for the outcome. Oh, and would it surprise you if the past didn’t exist in color, but existed in the same colors you assumed it to?”

Me: “Some presidents exist only as paintings. Why are we making adjustments to history?”

Barack didn’t answer the question directly, He started acting like a Hollywood actor in a blockbuster drama:

Barack: “JFK…. Who killed JFK? Oswald? The Mafia? The Government? The Illuminati? The Russians? Castro? Makes you wonder about Castro’s rise to power doesn’t it? Why is Castro still there all this time? Have you ever considered that it wasm’t John F Kennedy in the car? That it was a look alike? How was his rise and fall so perfect? Camelot … all the women, the great looks, the war hero, all the greatest speeches, the quest for space, the nuclear standoff with Russia and no nukes got launched? Bay of pigs? How could they mess that up? His assassination so perfectly on television and repeated over and over again and still talked about to this day. What about Abraham Lincoln? What about how your history books change all the time? You don’t think adjustments to history weren’t made for all of this stuff to work out how it did? You think things can naturally occur so perfect? We have to make necessary adjustments to time. Why would the government help keep the conspiracy theories alive? Don’t be surprised if you see me fake my death when you get back to your time period. The people will believe its real. Even if it does happen, it may get adjusted over time. How do you think the Underground Railroad started? You don’t think time travelers went into those times and made adjustments? If you look at history and war, and try to understand the politics of things like Vietnam, if you approach it with the idea that there are long time timeline historical significances to things, you’ll understand why some things don’t have clear cut answers, and why some do. The dropping of 2 atomic bombs on Japan alter everything. All you gotta do is go back in time and call off that 1 mission and you change it all.

At that point a big thunder storm and lightning struck and Barack had a realization, (and in a dream things can all happen instantaneously​)​
Barack realized Rutherford B Hayes was saving and not spending his election money and investing his campaign contributions in a bond, some kind of security thing that he knew was gonna go up in value in the future to give him enough money to win the election and was forfeiting the early stages of the campaign cycle, as if Rutherford B Hayes also was time traveling, and was a time traveler from the future with insider trading tips and Barack realized that and then realized it was a losing call. Barack said, “I see the future, and its just fat cats in Washington getting richer.”

I don’t remember any more specific details to the dream, but I had fun with Barack, it was cool to feel like we traveled through time even though I felt like we traveled 16 years into the past, not 133. There was a corny montage scene where there was some happy song playing and it showed us on rollercoasters,​ enjoying cotton candy with a smile, and did all the silly things they show in movies that mock the cutesy fun time people have. I’m trying to remember if we ever got to 1876 but I’m not sure. I was trying to get him to want to do a rap song with me but he didn’t seem interested.

The strangest thing about the dream is I don’t know if I’ve ever even thought about Rutherford B Hayes in my life --- I understand Barack Obama being in my dream – but to go back in time to 1876 to contest Rutherford B Hayes in an election is nuts. I looked him up today on the internet, and found out he was in the closest election of all time that got delayed like the Bush-Gore election of 2000. Hayes thought he wouldn’t win the election when he went to bed and woke up and won by 1 vote, and I think its where they came up with the electoral college system.

The only thing I can think of hearing Rutherford B Hayes is if he was mentioned on the Jon Stewart “America Inaction Audiobook” that I listened to 2 weeks ago. But I don’t know if they mentioned his name on it. I’m trying to figure out what triggered Rutherford B Hayes. I mean really – who the heck thinks about Rutherford B Hayes?

Here is his whitehouse biography - which i read today after waking up - how strange is the story to my dream: If you read into it, it feels like there was a hidden hand involved in the election. I have been stunned all day that my mind would think of Rutherford B Hayes. RUTHERFORD B HAYES !!!