Wednesday, February 9, 2011

News Stories of 2010

  • Haiti Earthquake

  • Tea Party

  • Health Care passed without public support.

  • Polish Leadership killed by Russian government - Putin Leads investigation. Media blackout.

  • BP Gulf Oil Spill

  • WikiLeaks

  • World Cup

  • Glenn Beck's Bullcrap March on Washington

  • Republicans win big

  • Sarah Palin's Alaska

  • Iceland

  • Volcano

  • Full Body scanners at airport after underwear bomber. TSA.

  • Guy flies plane into IRS building in Texas

  • Climategate

  • Thailand riots.

  • Afghanistan Pakistan north Korea Iran

  • Greece Austerity

  • Flash Crash - Stock market incidental drop of 1000 points by accident.

  • Arizona border enforcement

  • Lebron James

  • Tiger Woods

  • Mosque at Ground Zero

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Things To Do - Low Priority

  • Make Comcast Cartoons out of Wrong Numbers from The Unwashed Masses CD
  • Make website of comcast stuff
  • Dock Talk w/ Jeff and Mike

Dell Training
4389, 1209
MIT Open Courseware


  • Put That On A T-Shirt
  • Hi
  • Crime That Pays Is Crime That Stays
  • Lles
  • Zanahoria
  • Front of Shirt: Catch-22 Back of Shirt: Catch-22 is a logical paradox arising from a situation in which an individual needs something that cane only be acquired by not being i that very situation, therefore, the acquisition of this thing becomes logically impossible
  • Ah, hearing is going going going, gone.
  • Front of shirt ... disk with a c.  Back of shirt "Get your mind outta the gutta
  • Wipe You Clean?
  • WTFront Door
  • Watching VP Debate "he's a jerka lika you"
  • Mattress in garage
  • Laptop light
  • Bathroom - turn water back on
  • TV at 1:30 AM
  • Gatorade cracker meal in coffee glass
  • Pump in fridge

Nestor quotes:
“Cut my veins.”
“So the hooyoordican can’t prosper.”

Amelia [2:33 PM]:
  yes, it makes sense. he does convey emotion...he looks content eventhough he's missing hands and feet and ear and he's bald, but such is life...those of us who have everything including 3-dimentionality...always complain

15979 - 29084 - (choose life)
29083 - new book