- The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
- iWoz
- Ghost In The Wires
- Weapon of A.S.S. Destruction
- A Stranger in a Strange Land
- The Grunch of Giants
- The Lost Symbol
- Atlas Shrugged
- 1984
- Animal Farm
- The 4 Hour Work Week
- Basic Economics: 3rd Edition
- The Unseen Hand
- Little Red Book of Selling
- Rich Dad Poor Dad
- Conspiracy of the Rich
- Mike Maloney's Guide to Investing in Gold
- Retire Young, Retire Rich
- The Cash Flow Quadrant
- Term Limits
- Han Solo Trilogy - Paradise Snare
- Han Solo Trilogy - The Hutt Gambit
- Han Solo Trilogy - Rebel Dawn
- Million Dollar Mindset
- The Millionaire Next Door
- The Richest Man in Babylon