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I can give you several pointers into this topic.
1. Purchase and read Richard Dolan's UFO's and The National Security State Volume 1 and 2. Both are extremelly well researched and heavelly documented with citations for all cases. This alone is a month by month breakdown of all incidents from 1938-1991 and will lead you directly to any tangible information you need on a case by case basis.
2. I like to stay to the stuff that comes from military,police, and commercial pilots. They typically are astute in judging size, speed, and distance of objects as well as physical affects caused by craft. These cases usually have multiple witnesses and hard radar returns with tower confirmations of manuvers from spotted craft (e.g. 10,000 mph 90 degree turn executed).
3. Stay off the "fringe" it's not necessary in forming your conclusion, whatever that may be.
Show them to me sir...
I'm a little older now, and now when faced with that question, i realize the importance of being able to provide tangible evidence. Afterall, saying aliens exist is like saying Jesus was the son of God, you just have to take my word for it until "he returns" or "they arrive".
I would assume "Serious UFO Researcher" would point to the roughly 1000 pages of the 2 volumes Richard Dolan published, but all that is are words on the page.
I'm assuming he could point out the massive amounts of DVDs created or the 16 hours of Ancient Aliens documentaries made by History Channel, but the same argument could be made of the massive publishings and versions of The Bible and The Koran and the millions of people who swear Jesus and Mohammed are "the ones".
So, i'm leaving this one in your court "Serious UFO Researcher": How do we prove aliens exist to an Alien-Atheist. (not saying jeff is an alien athiest, but for this thought exercise, lets say he is)
How do Christians prove Jesus was the son of god?
All they have are documents and books. Nothing tangible. A shroud of turin? An old wooden boat? Old scrolls of texts?
What do believers in Aliens have?
A 1947 news article?
A forbidden base in Nevada.
Pictures of tin cans hanging from trees.
175,000 black markered FOIA documents.
500 former Air Force and Astronauts part of the Disclosure Project.
Charlton Heston helped advance Bible Stories. Steven Spielberg helped advance alien awareness.
What is the current smoking gun?
Serious UFO Researcher Responds to the following link:
There are several hundred thousand docs online issued through FIOA, many are more juicy than this one doc. So on that premises I would not call that confirmation, but instead suggest that "confirmation" has already come and gone in the past fifty years since this thing was never under wraps to begin with. Private hands hold the answers here not the governments they own, so a release of this info through a website called "The Vault" on an FBI server should be viewed with suspicion. There is always an ulterior motive when governments do anything. In this case we have a department that sure as hell is not in charge of the ET issue, publishing a website that seems to mimic "The Black Vault" website. Not buying it.
It is my unfortunate conclusion that the disclosure that has already happened for anyone willing to do a bit of reading, will come again in the format of an "Official" statement. This official disclosure will be used as a political weapon by the pro world governance organizations as a measure to further consolidate power and centralize all measures of society. For that, I no longer wish to see disclosure as I now think it is a better idea to continue the cover up as origionally outlined by the Brookings Institute. The real confirmation will be almost too much to stomach, as it will be filled with lies and propaganda from day one.
1. 9-11 - bush, Cheney, the neo-cons and new world order did it with help from the Israeli Mossad and other zionists and are all assholes because of it.
2. Obama's birth origin - obama's not even his last name, its barry soetoro.
3. extra-terrestrials - they visit our planet often, are a national security risk and should be blown the fuck away, but at the same time the government is a bunch of assholes for not informing us of the threat and the technology and knowledge they've acquired and how they've allowed abductions to occur and airzone violations.
4. New World Order - must be stopped at all costs
You got me who is about 75% anti-new world order. While I think 9-11 was an inside job and we've been thoroughly lied to, i always try to find a way to give the government (when its a republican administration) the benefit of the doubt like a long term strategy or an end justifies the means - and im more of the counterbalance to the media propaganda where i'll sometimes give an equally outrageous opposite perspective in order to demonstrate the absurdity of what the mainstream presented. I'll consider the complexity of geo-politics and consider that sometimes you gotta do dirty things to maintain global supremacy. I'm someone who will listen to Alex Jones AND Rush Limbaugh and agree with about 75% of both perspectives. The wars that were waged with democratic presidents resulted in many American casualties. The wars that were waged with Republican presidents suffered not as many casualties. In fact, more people die in California (a democrat state) than Coalition forces in Iraq annually. I kinda go along with General Patton "you dont win a war by dying for your country, but for making the other poor bastard die for his". If the U.S. doesnt own the world, someone else will. I'd like us all to hold hands and be friends or at least countries who left each other the fuck alone, but since i dont think that is gonna happen. At the same time of saying all of that - i know the elite just send us to die anyway and could give a shit about U.S. or anything and propagandize everyone on the planet to hate each other and kill each other.
9-11 - i think we might've been attacked by someone else like the russians or chinese infrastructure hackers. a missile hit the pentagon, the airforce shot down flight-93, and remote controlled planes hit the trade center - the trade center had bombs inside of it pre-planted for a controlled demolition and building-tower-7's collapse is absolutely unforgiveable, absurd, larry silverstein should be arrested for insurance fraud, and the walls may have been painted with that thermal paint that is highly explosive so a bigger threat may still be out there. Afghanistan and Iraq and a bunch of other countries you never heard of got taken over and if its all for U.S. dominance then i'll go along with it but somehow i think they'll eventually come for us, and it looks like they have begun.
Obama - so much mystery surrounds the guy - i get mad when Birthers get called Birthers because its like "man, just produce some real proof you're legit and we'll get over it, and answer all the questions about your citizenship, where you went to school, what you were doing in the 80's, whats up with larry sinclair, and a gazillion other questions
Extraterrestrials - They're here. They control the NWO, Earth policy, the creators of man. Owners of our lives.
New World Order - , i sometimes roll with Agent Smith when he said "have you ever looked at it Morpheus, stared at it, marveled at it, millions of people going about their daily lives completely oblivious" and i wonder how chaotic it would be without the New World Order controlling everyone.
You got Outside Skeptic who pretty much supports the Conservative Talk Radio agenda, which, from their perspective is living on the fringe because it doesnt reflect what the mainstream media talks about.
9-11 - 18 muslim extremists hijacked airplanes and ran them into the WTC and pentagon. Osama Bin Laden was the ringleader. Tower 7 caught on fire and collapsed due to natural causes.
Obama - he's a communist/socialist asshole, i dont give a shit where he was born, he needs to go regardless.
Extraterrestrials - its a big fuckin universe out there. I'm still searching for ET with my SETI app, when i find him, i'll let you know. There is definitely something fishy going on, but i'm still waiting for that real smoking gun.
New World Order - Are you talking about Hulk Hogan's tag team? If they'll let me play with some neat technology i'll probably be alright with it, what are you gonna do? Stop it? As long as those terrorists stop blowing shit up, and we get this cockbag Obama out of office we dont need to worry about any new world order.
So we got a pretty good lineup of perspectives.
It'd be nice to have a liberal democrat perspective too but they would never talk about anything now that theyre in power.
By the way, all 3 of the perspectives that i described were for joking around purposes.
Subject: Who blew up the Deepwater Horizon
I think I know how the rig mysteriously exploded.
If it wasn't Obama and his agenda pushin' cronies...it was the alternative energy companies.
They knew that this "accident" would cause a enormous backlash on drilling and push their alternative energy agendas.
How's that for a conspiracy.
Just a quick note: I'm not against alternative energy, but we certainly need to continue drilling all the resources we can. If we continue to rely on others for our oil/energy we will be fucked in the asshole like little bitches.