Saturday, January 18, 2020

FLU Thoughts On OTC Medicine

Thought you may have had but I’m having right now while I endure this FLU that I’ve came down with: first let me say I have not taken any medicine other than an Airborne Gummi, Cold Eeze lozzenges abd Zicam cold remedy. None of these are pain killers or hallucinogens.
As I sit here with my cold, I realize the possibility that I am a mortal human and my physical body will cease functioning one day and I’ll journey into another dimension. My questions were:
1. Can I die in the afterlife / can my soul die?
2. If I imagined my entire life story of choosing my life, how could I simply no longer exist?
3. If this isn’t a videogame, then what is it?
3. Why is the Earth Realm that we are in right now even here?
4. After we die, and enter the other realm - because it’s not “the outer space universe” but another realm altogether, who built that other realm? And is that other realm also just another temporary location?
5. It makes death exasperating because it then feels like this never ending existence and at times you just want to log out - which at least on Earth we can go to sleep. How do you sleep in the other realm? How can one get rest?
6. Being sick without much I can do has limited my options and I realized that an interesting part about our lives is that all of us need something to do. We can’t just sit and do nothing. But something new always happens on Earth, whether it’s people showing up, weather patterns, tv shows, there is always something to look forward to. In the other realm .... is it just sameness for eternity? Is the other realm like walking around an arcade trying to pick out which game you want to play?
7. Who made the outer realm —- oh here we go with “God” ... but who made God? And how? Who made the being that made the being that made God?
8. For the atheist minded, you don’t even believe in another realm.... what made the Big Bang there tuffguy? What created the first hydrogen atom there smarty pants? In the beginning there was hydrogen?
9. Many people spend their time trying to figure out what to do with this life ... right now I’m concerned more about immortality than mortality if I can’t go to sleep in the next realm.
10. When other people die .... where in the heck do they go? Because I think you’d all agree who have lost a loved one that they didn’t just cease to exist.
11. What is it to die? You hear the story of Steve Jobs being amazed and in awe as he passed on with an audience. You also hear of the stories of John Von Neumann refusing to believe his life was about to end and wonder if his death was induced because you see people like that guy who was 118 years old and he said “I just wanna die”
12. **** I am not suicidal - I have a cold and am feeling ultra-aware of existence and am sharing as a shaman would. I did stop taking the Beef Organs a few days ago and I think that’s why my immunity didn’t protect me. I stopped taking them because they were opening my mind to all sorts of stuff that wasn’t beneficial to me.
For 1: I became supremely aware of my Skeletal System. I became aware how thin my bones were and never really noticed until consuming the Beef Organs. Obviously people have told me I’m thin over my life but I never listened because I thought it was just a power move attempt to lower my self esteem and I will blow the planet up before I allow someone else to verbally get the best of me. But on the Organs, it wasn’t people’s voices that told me, I was like I could envision and feel the movements as if I was seeing myself through an X-Ray Machine. These thoughts, while amusing and interesting at first then became disheartening as I tried to conduct any weight / resistance training. The Beef Organs also made me ultra aware of my existence in a societal way and while I’ve achieved all of my life goals (except financial ones) I realized I set some pretty lame goals.

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